How tough should random encounters be?
1st Level Fighter 2.00
1st Level Fighter 2.00
1st Level Dwarf 2.00
1st Level Cleric 1.20
1st level Thief 0.65
1st Level Magic-User 0.40
Total Party Monstermark value 8.25 (we'll round it down to 8.00)
For this party, I think random encounters with a mean value of around 4.00, and a maximum value of around 12.00 (in effect the mean is -50% of the party's power and the maximum is +50%) are ideal. There's a degree of flexibility in these ranges. Indeed, for some creatures with a very low Monstermark, the existing number encountered ranges in the monster listings may be used without modification. For example, a Kobold has a Monstermark of 0.47. The Labyrinth Lord rules give the number encountered as 4d4 giving the encounter a mean Monstermark of 4.70 and a maximum of 7.52.
Here's some examples of popular monsters and my proposed number encountered ranges:
Kobold (MM 0.47) 4-16
Goblin (MM 0.99) 2-8
Skeleton (MM 1.17) 2-7
Orc (MM 1.27) 1-6
Hobgoblin (MM 2.51) 1-4
Zombie (MM 3.48) 1-4
Gnoll (MM 5.00) 1-2
Bugbear (MM 11.27) 1
Any one of these encounters has a chance of killing an unlucky party, but experienced players might handle several of them in succession regardless of luck. Although there is the potential for encounters that outnumber and/or overpower the party on paper, the party have lots of tools and options open to them including:
- Tactics (eg: fighting in doorways, running away, etc.)
- A Sleep spell
- A Cure Light Wounds spell
- Thief skills
- Dwarf abilities
- Turning Undead
- Talking