Monday, 14 November 2011

Special Mini Oubliette Issue 6.5

Oubliette Issue 7 will be out in the next couple of weeks and, as usual, I'll put up the contents page about a week before the issue is released.

In the meantime, I've created a special mini promotional issue of Oubliette (Issue 6.5) to use for promotional purposes. The issue is A6 sized, and is printed on a double-sided A3 sheet, and then cut and folded like a PocketMod. I'll be sending copies to UK games stores, to promote the free download of Issue 7. I'm also sending a batch of them to Otherworld Miniatures who will be including them with orders in the run-up to Christmas.

The content inside is mostly taken from the forthcoming issue, so our regular readers won't be missing anything if they don't get one (apart from the Succubus on the title page). However, if you simply must have one in order to complete your Oubliette collection, then you may order a copy using the paypal button below.

Nearly all of the purchase price goes to the Royal Mail and Paypal, but there's no easy way around that. If anyone wants to buy several copies at once, send me an email and I'll see what I can do. Also, if you are in the UK, I've still got a handful of the Oubliette Issues 1-4 Compilation available for £9.50 including P&P (which should work out cheaper and faster than ordering through Lulu), and I'll throw in a couple of the mini issues as a bonus.



  1. Got my copies today. Great stuff...really looking forward to Issue 7.

  2. Hi Wulfgar, glad they got to you ok. I'm finishing off the last few bits of issue 7 this weekend. After that there's a week or so of proofing so it should be out around the end of the month.

  3. Hmm. . . I am not necessarily a completist, and am a regular reader who will surely pick up Issue #7 anyway . . . yet The Marg's Succubus makes this a temptation . . .

  4. The cover of the promo issue is actually included in Issue 7 on the editorial page so you won't miss out.

    The only article that is unique to the mini issue is "A Short Guide to Old School Fantasy Roleplaying Games" which I couldn't put in a main issue as it isn't OGL friendly. There's also one monster, the Bloated Ogre, that won't be in the magazine proper until issue 8.

  5. Just a heads up: CYBERWEEKUK305 gives 25% off LULU purchases until the 28th Novemeber.

  6. Thanks for that. It's pretty easy to find a code for 15% or 20% but bigger discounts are rarer. Anything that helps make up for their loaded P&P charges is a good thing.
