Friday, 29 July 2011

Almost 400 Oubliette 6 Downloads in 24 Hours!

We've had a terrific response to the first full day of the Oubliette Issue 6 giveaway.  By the time I've finished this post, there's a good chance the total will be just over the 400 mark.  I'll run another report towards the end of the giveaway but, given this flying start I'm sure that the latest issue will beat the 800+ chalked up by Issue 5.  Thank you to everyone who has posted details of the giveaway on their blogs, as it really helps to spread the word.


  1. Congrats! Great as always!

  2. Got my copy. Always a cool magazine and much appreciated.

  3. When is the print version due out? After the term of the freebie?

  4. Thanks guys.

    Carter, I'll be ordering a proof of the print version on Monday. If that comes back ok, then it should be up on by the end of the week.

  5. Cool. Look forward to getting the print copy.

  6. I tried #6 and was hooked and bought pdfs of 2-5. The art is great; layout is clean and easy to follow...Love the monsters and adventures, just the overall nuggets of useful data and consistent, tight direction. Good show, folks.

  7. Any idea why mine keeps telling me its not a valid pdf?

  8. @Robo, not heard of any other PDF problems. Have you tried it on more than one machine? Or tried downloading the file again?
