As a fairly new publisher to the OSR, I'm keen to gauge the size of the potential market to help plan print runs for future products. I've gathered together a small set of figures and thought these might prove useful to others. If anyone has any more figures to add please do so, provided that the publishers are happy for the information to be made public.
70 Sales required for a Hot Copper Pick badge at rpgnow.com
110 Oubliette PDF sales Issue 1
142 Underdark Gazette blog followers
150 Dark Dungeons print sales*
335 Majestic Wilderlands sales*
620 LOTFP Boxed Set print run
624 Grognardia blog followers
627 Oubliette AEC Character Sheet downloads
701 Goblinoid Games forum members
5000 Dark Dungeons free downloads*
*15th Sept figures for these added from here
As a fun comparison, here are some historic sales figures obtained from here all except for White Dwarf, which was taken from Wikipedia.
1,000 OD&D 1st print run
4,000 White Dwarf Issue 1 print run June 1977
5,000 Dragon Issue 4 print run December 1976
200,000 Sales for the most popular modules
1,000,000 D&D Boxed Set sales in 1989
Interesting numbers
ReplyDeleteAdded some more sales data. I'll keep updating this as I find more information.