Saturday, 18 October 2014

Gamer's Notebooks Now 20% More Pages

The Gamer's Notebook Kickstarter has just a few hours left to run. In the last 24 hours it hit a major Stretch Goal which adds 10 extra pages to the notebooks making them even better value. The campaign ends at midnight.

Friday, 17 October 2014

Gamer's Notebook Last Day

The Gamer's Notebook Kickstarter has got just 33 hours left to run. It is currently sitting at 438% of the original goal, and less than £100 away from the Extra Pages Stretch Goal. These would make ideal Christmas presents for gaming friends and cost from just £2 (when you buy 10) each with UK delivery. The campaign also includes our very cool "Pencil+1" as an add-on and free with many of the reward levels.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

A2 Battlepads now on Sale

The A2 Battlepads from my last Kickstarter have now been added to the site. They can be bought as a single pad of 12 sheets for £6 or in a 2-pack for £10. I've also added the matching Planner Notepads which cost £1 each and come with a sheet of Battlepad joining stickers. The Battlepads are set as UK delivery only due to their size, but Overseas backers are welcome to contact me directly for a shipping quote.

Here's the links to the new listings:

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Draft Mansion Floor Plan

I decided my little adventure (The Fella in the Cella) needed a ground floor mansion floor plan. A quick Google lots of images, so here is one I selected and tweaked a little to suit my purpose. For dungeon maps I often draw them in pen with little or no drafting, but when it comes to building plans with lots of windows and doors, a finished version in pencil is the only way to go. I'll get on with an inked version tonight and try and get it done before I have too many drinks.

Friday, 10 October 2014

B/X Hit Point String Generator

I was toying with putting a Squarehex advert on the back cover of might current little side project, but when I thought of this I decided to move the ad to the inside back cover.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Pool of the Titans

This is another map from my current side project. The "Titans" that live in this pool are the sort that bite you, crush you, and then swallow you whole. If you get caught by the lizardfolk that live nearby, chances are you'll end up decked out like a Christmas tree and tied to one of the posts in the bottom right area of the map. The map is drawn on an A6 grid sheet from my Gamer's Notebook Kickstarter campaign.

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

The Fella in the Cellar

This map is from a little project I'm working on this week to promote my Gamer's Notebook Kickstarter. It's drawn on an A6 size sheet (just like the ones that will be in the notebook). Tonight I'll write the notes that go with it on the facing lined page. If I get time they'll be more to follow. The map is by me, and Marg drew the goblin.